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आयुर्विमा आणि आरोग्यविम्याचे महत्त्व.!!

कोरोनाच्या दुसऱ्या लाटेत अनेक रुग्णांचा कोरोनामुळे मृत्यू झाला आहे. अशा परिस्थितीत कुटुंबातील कर्त्या व्यक्तीचा मृत्यू झाल्यास त्या कुटुंबासमोर मोठे आर्थिक संकट उभे राहते. त्यामुळेच प्रत्येकाने विमा संरक्षण घेणे महत्त्वाचे ठरते. तरुणवयातच आयुर्विमा पॉलिसी घ्या म्हणजे तुमच्या पश्चात तुमच्या कुटुंबाच्या आर्थिक गरजांचे नियोजन विम्याच्या रकमेतून करता येईल. आयुर्विमा हा आर्थिक नियोजनातील महत्त्वाचा घटक आहे.

याशिवाय महत्त्वाची बाब म्हणजे आरोग्यविमा. कोरोनाच्या या संकटकाळात हॉस्पिटलच्या खर्चोपोटी अनेकांची कित्येक वर्षांची बचत खर्ची पडते आहे. त्यामुळे सर्व आर्थिक गणितच कोलमडून पडते. आरोग्य विमा असल्यास अचानक उद्भवणाऱ्या वैद्यकीय खर्चासाठी तुम्हाला धावपळ करावी लागणार नाही. शिवाय तुमची वर्षानुवर्षांची बचत सुरक्षित राहील आणि तुमच्यासमोर आर्थिक संकट उभे राहणार नाही.

त्यामुळे लगेचच आयुर्विमा / आरोग्यविमा घ्या.

अधिक जाणून घेण्यासाठी संपर्क करा :

Call @ 7892795163
लाइफ सिक्युर सोल्यूशन्स, पुणे .

SaViNg - InVesTing

Among the many long-term tax-saving investment options available in the financial market, a Life Insurance Policy is one of the most fundamental instruments you need to invest in. In addition to offering a host of advantages to the investor, a Life Insurance Policy also provides several benefits to the investor’s family and legal heirs. When you consider the possibility of investing in Life Insurance, one of the first questions you’ll be faced with is this –

Who should buy life insurance?
The answer to this question focuses on the financial situation of the investor. Typically, anybody who has a financial dependent would benefit from buying a Life Insurance plan. Financial dependents could include children, a spouse, a sibling, or even dependent parents.
Another category of people Who should buy a Life Insurance Plan includes investors who want to enjoy the benefits of tax savings coupled with long-term capital appreciation. A Life Insurance Policy is one of the few investment options that offer both these advantages. Aside from these benefits, there are many other ways in which life insurance plan can help the investor.
Now Customize Your Savings Basis Your Needs and Affordability. Get Long / Short Term Saving Solutions & Ensure Guaranteed Money Back, Attractive Returns, Security & Life Cover.... also Enjoy Dual Tax Benefits.

Contact Now..!!
Have a Consultation Today .!!

Life Secure Solutions, Pune
7892795163, 9028917175.

How to make a Health Insurance Claim: All You need to know?

Click the below link to know More..!!


Life Secure Solutions, Pune.
Call @ 9028917175, 7892795163.

Link your PAN to your LIC policies now!

Link your PAN to your LIC policies now!

Log on to https://licindia.in/Home/Online-PAN-Registration

Or Call to Know More.!!

Call @
9028917175, 7892795163.
LIC OF INDIA, 953, Camp Branch, Pune.


Now Customize Your Savings Basis Your Needs and Affordability. 

Get long term #Saving Solutions & Ensure Long Term Security with Long Term Savings Plans, also Enjoy #Taxbenefits.

Get in Touch with
Life Secure Solutions, Pune 

for Financial Advise / Investment Tips / Saving Options 

at 9028917175.
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