| LIC - Life Insurance | NIVA BUPA - Health Insurance |

Ensure Financial Security for YOUR CHILDREN with Best Educational Plans from LIC..!

Turn Your Savings to Investments by Opting Guaranteed Returns Plans and Accumulate Wealth for Your Child's Future Financial Needs..

Just Save Monthly Rs. 8527/- for First Year &
Thereafter Save Rs. 8342/- per Month for 18 Years..

Get Survival Benefit @ 15% of Sum Assured for 5 Years at

Age 20 - Rs. 3,00,000
Age 21 - Rs. 3,00,000
Age 22 - Rs. 3,00,000
Age 23 - Rs. 3,00,000
Age 24 - Rs. 3,00,000

Expected Maturity amount as per the current bonus rates on
25th age shall be Rs. 33,60,000.

  • Normal Insurance coverage (sum assured + accrued bonus) for life assured is available during the term of the policy.
  • Loan and surrender facility is available after two years and at least two full-year premium payment.
  • Premium Wavier Benefit Rider Available.
#LIC has Sovereign Guarantee by Government of India under section 37 of LIC Act, 1956.

As Per YOUR Needs & Budget We Can Customize Your #savings to Achieve Your Financial GOALS.

Call For a Consultation Now on 7892795163.

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