| LIC - Life Insurance | NIVA BUPA - Health Insurance |

Secured Your Child's Future with Guaranteed Returns..!

Get Guaranteed Returns at Important Stages of YOUR CHILD'S GROWTH. 

Benefits with our Savings Plan...!

  • Specially designed to meet the Educational and Other needs of Growing Children.
  • Investment Protection with Sovereign Guarantee..
  • Guaranteed Income..
  • Tax - Free Returns ..

Act Today For Better Tomorrow ..!

Need Help In Making the Right Investment Decisions..!

As Per YOUR Needs & Budget We Can Customize Your Savings to Achieve Your GOALS. 

Call For a Consultation Now on 7892795163 ..

Below Example for Better Understanding:

Child's Age :2, Term :23, Premium Payment Term : 18 years.

Sum Assured :800000

Death S.A. :1000000

Option 4 Selected : 15% S.A. For 5 Years, Maturity Benefit : 25%  of S.A + Bonus + F.A.B.

1st year Premium With TAX 4.5% :

Yearly : 41119 (39348 + 1771)

Half Yearly : 20782 (19887 + 895)

Quarterly : 10502 (10050 + 452)

Monthly (ECS) : 3501 (3350 + 151)

Yearly Mode Average Premium / Day : 112

After 1st year Premium With TAX 2.25% :

Yearly : 40233 (39348 + 885)

Halfly : 20334 (19887 + 447)

Quarterly : 10276 (10050 + 226)

Monthly(ECS) : 3425 (3350 + 75)

Yearly Mode Average Premium / Day : 110

Total Approximate Paid Premium : 725080

Money Back At : 20 to 24th Total 5 Year : 120000

Bonus : 828000

F.A.B. : 200000

*Approximate Return at Maturity Time 25th Year 

(25 % SA + Bonus + F.A.B.) : 12,28,000.00

*Conditions Apply, Premium & Benefits may vary depending on rates declared by LIC. 

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